Memorial Autism Fundraiser

Thursday, December 19, 2019 - 7:00pm   to   9:00pm


Mt Hope Phoenix #96, Granville #55 and Herschel Argyle #508 Lodges will join forces to host an Autism Fundraiser on 12/19/2019. The event will be a Brother Bring A Friend program with an open lodge, held at Herschel-Argyle in Hartford. 

The evening will also be a Hunter's Lodge, so everyone is encouraged to wear their favorite hunting gear!  Mt. Hope Phoenix Lodge will provide a script for the evening's program. Brothers are encouraged to bring a wild game dish to pass around.  Cost of the meal is $10. 

This fundraiser is being held in memory of Brothers Hank Allen, Malcolm Ogden Sr., and Paul Woschanko, who gave so much to the Craft, and who passed away over the summer.  All proceeds raised will go to MMRI Autism Research in Utica in their names. In addition to the meal, we will raise money through several raffles, with items provided by each Lodge and anyone else who wishes to donate!

POC for this important event is Gerry Ross (  Please come and support your District and remember these fine Brothers.



32 Country Road 23, Hartford, NY